Wings Over Miami Air Museum at Miami Executive Airport is excited to announce the arrival of their newest exhibit, a MIG-21!
On Monday, August 17th, a Soviet-era supersonic MIG-21 fighter jet will arrive from Lakeland, Florida. This plane is coming dissembled and crated from storage in Lakeland. The museum will publicly reassemble and then display it
alongside the museum’s F-14. While the museum houses multiple flyable aircraft, this one will be a static display as rehabbing the jet engines would be cost-prohibitive.

From the early ’60s to 1974, approximately 3,000 MIG’s were built, then sold worldwide and notably throughout the 28 Eastern Bloc countries. Dennis Haber, a former museum board member who is shepherding the jet’s arrival, pointed out that Miami’s Cuban community will recall that the Cuban Air Force also deployed this particular type of aircraft.
The aircraft is part of Draken International‘s collection of air combat tactical aircraft. Draken International, a privately owned company, specializes in maintaining and flying military assets for training purposes. Despite the plane being donated, the museum is actively soliciting funds to pay for it’s packing, shipping, and reassembly costs.
To contribute to the MIG project, the museum is accepting checks or Paypal donations.